For every individual who wants to live more independently, to regard Trinity HA as their first choice provider of housing, care or support services.
- Happy and valued customers
- Local Partnerships
- Long term viability
- Motivated People
Achieving excellent customer satisfaction will be central to all we do. Customers want a quick and personal service. We have seen increasing levels of customer satisfaction over a number of years. Due to diversification, THA now has a broad range of customers in various locations. We already test customer satisfaction in each area and we will develop our corporate approach further.
- Develop a comprehensive approach to achieve customer satisfaction across all services
- Develop a Customer Service Strategy
- Engage an ethos of continual improvement so there is ongoing effort to improve our products, services and processes.
We have developed successful partnerships across a wide geographical area including twelve local authorities and a variety of social care and healthcare providers
Our ability to make a real difference to communities and ability to grow depends on internal relationships and those with external partners
We are well placed to create unique service offerings. The complementary nature of the specialist businesses within the group means we are the first choice local partner.
- We will fully understand our internal service provisions, how they work together and what they can deliver for our partners
- We will be clear about who our partners are, and develop and maintain a strong understanding of what is important to them. We can work together to deliver key priorities
- We will develop stronger links with local businesses to support improved economic and social opportunities in the communities where we work
- We will plan a clear path for growth, both geographically and by business area, which will safeguard the future delivery of our high quality services.
We have real opportunities to build on our unique skills and successful track record and the geographical area we operate. Developing the right skills and structure for THA will help us capitalise on key opportunities as they arise.
- We will develop a triple bottom line (social / economic / environmental) approach to budgeting, business planning and performance reporting
- We will continue to improve our systems, processes and procedures to ensure that they are fit for purpose. We will ensure they are effectively implemented through a robust annual audit process
- We will implement our Value for Money Strategy to ensure that we obtain the best value from our available resources. This will ensure we can deliver better services, more homes and effective communities in terms of quantity, quality and the social value provided.
We believe if staff are engaged and motivated they will enjoy achieving even better results. Performance will improve, our reputation will grow and we will cement our position as partner of choice.
We will focus on maximising staff engagement, getting buy-in to corporate objectives and creating a consistent THA culture.
- We will develop a comprehensive People Strategy. This will help to develop our people and attract and retain the best talent. We will also consider how to reward staff and how to best engage with our employees
- We will create comprehensive training and development for all staff. We will focus on developing managers and leaders helping them to become more resilient, people and performance focused.